How to prevent allergies in babies

If your infant has a nasty rash on the body, sneezing or sniffing, he may have an allergy. There are many possible foods and substances which can cause different kinds of allergies. Some of them are as follows.
- Cow milk
- Birds hairs
- Pet like cats or dogs shit
- Nuts allergy
- Dust
- Cigarette smoke
There can be many other noticeable causes of allergy, but immediately call the pediatrician if your child is sneezing or has a rash.
Symptoms of the food allergies
The mostly found or typical symptoms of food allergy are
- Stomach pain
- Coughing
- Rash on the whole body
- vomiting
- rash inside the mouth
- Runny or stuffy nose with sneezing
- itching and swelling of the body parts like face, legs, or arms
- Difficult breathing
Always check on your child's symptoms because sometimes symptoms can lead to a fatal condition. If your child is breathing with so much difficulty, immediately rush to the doctor. The doctor will give the infant anti-allergy and will guide you about the necessary precautions and first aid for the next time. Medicines and prevention are the only solution or cures for food allergies. Maybe your doctor advises you to start or introduce a tiny amount of the allergic food after a certain age to strengthen the immune system. But if the symptoms persist, the doctor will advise only prevention from the allergic food and warn you to always read the ingredients before buying any food item.
So make a rule if your child is allergic to some food, try to avoid them. Always read labels for the hidden ingredients; your child's safety is in your own hands. Some allergies can vanish with time, while others can be with your child and his whole life.
We all heard elder aunts warning breastfeeding mothers not to eat gassy or heavy and spicy foods. According to doctors, it's just a myth that a mother's poor or careless eating can make a child fussy. The symptoms of this are not rash or sneezing, and do not like common allergy symptoms. If your child is continuously fussy or uncomfortable after the mother's poor eating, the mother should take precautions while eating until the breastfeeding period. This fussiness of the child is colic or abdomen pain. If your child under age one month to six months becomes fussy after breastfeeding or any other feeding, go immediately visit the pediatrician and ask for colic drops or home remedies for the colic pain.
If you, your family, or any elder child has a food allergy, the pediatrician can give you the following recommendations.
- Don't give your infant any artificial feeding. Breastfeeding is the only solution to prevent him from different kinds of food allergies, do not introduce anything else until the baby grows to six months. Expert recommends if the infant is on breastfeed he doesn't need anything else because mother feed has all the essential nutrition along the water.
- Breastfeeding is a blessing for the children but comes with many difficulties and hurdles. Mothers have to sacrifice many things for safe milk; for example, they don't eat cold, spicy, and gassy food for the infant's delicate stomach. Mothers have to watch the number of dairy products, eggs, and many other foods for their little creature's health.
- It doesn't mean breastfeeding is the cause of any pain or allergy. Some precautions are better to follow; otherwise, do not stress yourself about the diet or foods.
Seasonal or weather allergies
If your child faces allergy symptoms during a specific season or weather, it is called seasonal allergy. Seasonal symptoms can come with fever and also called allergic rhinitis, and mainly develops in the spring season when plants and flowers are about to grow in full bloom, and this allergy is pollen allergy because when the pollen of the plants flies, it triggers the allergy symptoms in the children.
Some of the common symptoms of pollen or seasonal allergy are as follows
- Watery and red eyes
- Runny nose
- Airless nose
- Sneezing
The infant or child may also experience ears pain along all of these symptoms, and these symptoms of seasonal infection can also lead to chronic ear infections.
Indoor or home-based allergies
Not every allergy needs to develop from the outer environment. Sitting indoors can also produce some allergies; some of the leading causes of indoor allergies are pets like cats, dogs, birds feathers, dusty mites, fluffy toys, and the danger of all cigarette smoke.
You can help your infant, who is facing the symptoms of indoor allergy-like sneezing, ear infection, and watery eyes.
- If your infant is allergic to pets, don't allow the pets in your home.
- Don't use solid perfumes or air fresheners, as their strong smell can trigger allergy symptoms.
- Avoid carpeting at home because the carpet particles absorb dust and lead to indoor allergies.
- Try to mope the dust regularly.
- If you don't want to remove the soft toys, place them in plastic bags and refrigerate them for five days to kill dusty mites.
- Try to change mattress and bed sheet covers every other day.
- Don't use humidity devices like humidifiers or vaporizers because humidity can trigger allergy symptoms.
Treatment and precaution for the allergy symptoms
First of all, you have to rush the allergic babies to the specialized doctor of allergies; he will need the family history of allergy and the recent symptoms and triggers of the allergy.
Treatment always depends on the kind of allergy. If your child has pollen or seasonal allergy, you cannot stop the season so that the doctor can prescribe inhalers and medicines. If your infant has a food allergy, you have to cut off some allergen foods from your child's diet from a certain age to whole life. If your child has a pet allergy, you have to keep him away from the pets and other animals, and you have to say goodbye to your home pets for the sake of your child.