Are you afraid to clip your baby? How to use baby nail cutter?

Are you afraid to clip your baby's tiny nails? Even though your baby's nails are softer and more pliable than yours, they can still cause scratches on their face and require regular trimming.
Because a baby's fingernails overgrow, you may need to trim them weekly, if not more frequently. Nails don't need trimming as frequently.
For every mother or parent, a baby's tiny nails trimming can be a terrifying prospect, but it's one of the essential jobs you'll have to do every other time.
Your baby's nails, like the rest of her, have been growing since before she was born, so she may be ready for a manicure in her first week (and every two or three days for the next three weeks until the nails harden and stop growing so fast!).
It can be especially challenging to use scissors near your child's tiny fingers, but it is a necessary task. Those scratchy nails may be softer and pliable than yours, but they can also be sharp enough to scratch their skin, especially around the face and inside the eye. So gather the coverage and get to work trimming.
Here's how to do it safely and:
What is the super simple and most effective method for cutting a baby's tiny nails?
You can use special baby scissors with rounded tips (so you don't poke her if she startles while you're working) or a clipper made just for the job – some even come with specially designed magnifying glasses to help you see good view.
Hold your baby's finger and press the fingertip pad down and away from the nail during clipping.
Snip along the natural curvature of the fingernail, being careful not to nip the quick by going too low.
Cut her toes' nails straight across when caring for them. Remember that toenails develop more slowly than fingernails and hence require less upkeep.
When the baby is napping, many parents find it most superficial to trim the nails. Keep a clipper with you at all times.
Remember that toenails develop more slowly than fingernails and hence require less upkeep.
When the baby is napping, many parents find it most uncomplicated to trim the nails. Keep a nail trimmer or baby scissor in your carrier or diaper bag so you may scissor whenever the opportunity arises, whether it's in the stroller, the car (when someone else is driving!), or at Grandma's house. Alternatively, if you have a helper, one of you can hold the baby's hands still (while distracting her with a song) while the other clips.
Some of the tips shared by experienced moms and parents may be different, but you can pick your favorite one.
Use a filer instead of a clipper.
The most convenient and safest way to trim your baby's nails s to use a filer instead of a clipper. Always file your baby's tiny nails using a soft filer. It may take longer. But it is the safest and most accessible. You must also avoid rubbing the sensitive flesh beneath the small pins. Always use the specially designed baby filer. Do not use a metal nail file on your baby's skin because it may be overly abrasive.
Use a baby nail clipper to trim your nails.
CUT your baby's nails in the same way you do your own, do it by carefully putting away or pulling the fingertip away from the pin or nail to make room for the clipper. This precaution prevents your baby's tiny finger from being clipped. Clipping too near the white nail line can be avoided with small clips above the white nail line. It would help if you trimmed straightly. During clipping, always keep a firm grip on your child's hand (or foot). Using a soft filer, smooth off any rough edges. You can also use baby manicures, grooming scissors, or specially designed baby trimmers.
Clip while the baby is sleeping
Even if you're cutting while the baby is sleeping, make sure you have enough light. Try to clip your baby's nails when they are sleeping. If you're lucky, she'll fall asleep right away. She also won't wiggle or squirm.
Distract and unwind
If you must clip your baby's nails while awake, do so while she is distracted. When newborns are awake, they clench their fists, narrowing the distance between the fingertip and the nail, making the task more difficult. As much as possible, ensure that both you and your baby are at ease. Right after the baby's bath, when she's relaxed and her nails are soft, is an excellent time. Take a break and offer your baby a treat if she becomes tense.
If you don't have enough time or don't want to clip your child's nails, consider the following options:
Seek assistance.
Request that a more experienced parent demonstrate how they do it. Perhaps a grandparent or a favorite uncle or family friend can also help. If you have a maid or babysitter, It's also possible they might be willing to help. But If you want to do it yourself, you may want to take the help of your husband or another family member to hold your baby and keep her from wriggling here and there while you work or to distract her while you clip.
Put their mitts on.
If your baby's nails appear to be extremely sharp and you cannot clip them at this time, place gloves on her hands to minimize scratching, especially while she sleeps.
Some parents bite their baby's nails. However, this is not suggested by experts because it can spread germs and leave the infant's nails ragged and be easy to bite into the tender flesh of the newborn.
Don't be concerned if you accidentally nick a finger or toe. Run cool water over the injury and cover it with sterile gauze or cloth. Apply a small amount of pressure and hold it for a few seconds. The bleeding ceases typically after a few minutes. You can use antibiotic cream on your infant, but avoid bandages, which could cause him to choke.